Encouraging Young Drivers To Be Safe

Other ways we have supported SAFE DRIVING EDUCATION

  • Funded a project in the San Luis Valley to provide Alive at 25 classes to all students through their local schools. This encompasses 10 high schools and 1,200 students
  • Created and implemented a pilot program for young adult drivers at Metropolitan University using the evidence-based program What Do You Consider Lethal. Provided 8 sessions reaching 200 students since fall of 2018
  • Awarded Alive at 25 scholarships to students throughout the state
  • Collaborated with the Wisconsin Alive at 25 instructors to expand the program in that state
  • Presented our story to Green Mountain High School students in conjunction with a mock crash event
  • Participated on a panel at the National Lifesavers Annual Conference in Charlotte, NC
  • In partnership with Denver Police, spoke at high school assemblies to promote safe driving and Alive at 25 class
  • Funded Alive at 25 classes for all high school students in New Deal, TX
  • Presented at NSC Teen Driving Forums throughout the U.S.
  • Spoke at over 45 high school assemblies
  • Maintained crash car exhibit
  • Filmed segments for the National Safety Council curriculum
  • Participated in Alive at 25 instructor training sessions throughout the country

In the years since our boys died, the families, volunteers and founders of the Brandon & Paul Foundation have donated hours of their time to supporting and promoting safe driving, seatbelt use and the Alive at 25 programs

Each year 4,000 young people die in car crashes

Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for U.S. teens.
Not alcohol…..Not drugs…..Not violence…..Not suicide

Together We Can Make A Difference


  • Provide the Alive at 25 program to all teen drivers free of charge

  • Designate the Alive at 25 program as a required component of every teen driver’s education

  • Expand the reach of the Alive at 25 program throughout the entire United States

  • Partner with Impact Teen Drivers to reach the college aged novice drive

And most importantly to SAVE LIVES

How Does the Foundation Use My Gift?

In early 2016, the Brandon & Paul Foundation and Drive Smart of the Rockies  collaborated to share our knowledge, resources and passion for traffic occupant safety.  Under this partnership a new initiative called the Adopt a School Campaign was launched.  This campaign focuses on bringing the Alive at 25 program to the entire student body of underserved high schools.  This is a huge undertaking, and one we have been interested in pursuing for several years.  

~Clear Creek HS hosted the first Adopt a School Alive at 25 class.~

In addition, each year we donate funds to Impact Teen Drivers, Texas 

Alive at 25 Team, Colorado Alive at 25, Wisconsin Alive at 25, and 

several more.  

We are also members of the Colorado State Patrol Family

Foundation (CSPFF)Survivors Assistance For Education (S.A.F.E.) Committee which directs CSPFF in the effective use of funds donated to Alive at 25 driving programs, to include  donations raised through the Brandon & Paul Foundation. 

These donations provide:

  • No questions asked scholarships for teens who don’t have the means to pay the tuition for the Alive at 25 class.
  • Maintenance of crash car exhibits.

Funds have also been provided to the Alive at 25 programs in Texas, Idaho, Utah and California which have been used to bring the classes to rural schools and expand the reach of the program within their communities.

In Colorado alone 542 classes were held in 2014  providing over 8,800 youth the life saving

Alive at 25 program.

Determined to change this harsh statistical reality and to prevent other families from suffering such indescribable loss, the Brandon & Paul Foundation was formed.  We know that educating young drivers in the decision making aspects of driving, not just the mechanics, makes a huge difference in the fatality rate among this most vulnerable group of drivers.

The mission of the Brandon & Paul Foundation is to support educational programs for young drivers that focus on the importance of making good decisions and safe driving habits. 


Any parent will tell you one of the most terrifying moments comes when there is a new driver in the house - the teenager!

And for good reason.

 11 teens and young adults die each day in motor vehicle crashes in the U.S.

Through the generosity of our sponsors, friends and family we have raised over $160,000

to support Alive at 25 and other safe driving programs throughout the

United States.

The Brandon & Paul Foundation is the proud recipient of several prestigious awards.

2007, 2008, 2009 & 2010 Colonel’s Excellence Awards

2008 National Safety Counsel Outstanding Effort in Training Teen Drivers Award

Colorado State Patrol Honor Award

WY Highway Patrol Excellence Award

CSPFF dedication to high school assembly program 2008, 2009 & 2010

Traffic crashes are the leading cause of young adult fatalities accounting for 44% of teen deaths in the U.S.